Watching the River (of Ufology) Flow

Don’t mistake my absence and silence in this space for gluttony (I had a good Thanksgiving, thank you) sloth, reckless disregard for UFO truths or any other deadly sin. It’s been an unusually busy fall, including a trip to that Academy Award-winning city of Fargo for a presentation at the 48th Annual (!) ValleyCon based on my book and the 1968 Air Force base UFO incursion of a large object intruding on the base and disabling missile systems. The High Plains Reader there did a cool advance interview. All this during a time when the amount of news and hearsay in the UFO/UAP channel is overwhelming, a firehose that no one seems able to turn off, gushing (or maybe trickling is a more apt word) against the bloody flood of hard news about the awful Israel-Hamas war.

Maybe it’s just the changing of the season as we roll in the north country from late fall to the onset of deep winter. But I feel like Bob Dylan in his old 1971 song, “Watching the River Flow,” trying to get his groove back….”What’s the matter with me?/ I don’t have much to say.”  So, from the near banks of the urban Mississippi River, which lies very close to where I am, the following updates and speculations from a chronicle that has been awakened and goosed back into action by some peculiar odds and headline-poppin’ ends.

While you’ve been watching or avoiding the news and catching the big games this holiday week, it appears in congress that at least two elected congressmen – Rep. Mike Rogers, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Mike Turner, Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence -- are going to do their damnedest to thwart the passage of the Schumer-Rounds amendment, which could kick disclosure into hyperdrive next year and maybe finally break open the dam for good. At least one has alleged deep donor ties to the aerospace industry that reportedly has been a big beneficiary of recovered ET technology. Or the property of NHI – non-human intelligence -- the latest jargon that all the cool kids are spouting these days. Couldn’t they just say, “extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI)” or “los Ovnis” (the Unknowns) as they do in Mexico?

The Liberation Times has a good account of this development: “Multiple sources have told Liberation Times that the Schumer-Rounds Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act is under severe threat from Republican leaders within the U.S. House and Senate…two influential Republicans, namely Rep. Mike Rogers, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Mike Turner, Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, have escalated their efforts to eliminate the UAP Disclosure Act from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024.

“The two representatives have successfully garnered support from Senate Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell and the new Speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Johnson, who are now backing their endeavors to either remove or significantly weaken the UAP Disclosure Act.” Meanwhile, investigative journalist Ross Coulthart (@Ross Coulthart) posted on X/Twitter: “Hard to see how there can be any meaningful #UAP disclosure from Congress without the Schumer NDAA amendment passing into law. This amendment is now in peril because key politicians with substantial Defense aerospace funding have flipped. This is how to tell them what you think”:

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE …However! Constitutional attorney Dan Sheehan is warning that the Schumer-Rounds legislation “is a trojan horse,” which could actually keep key disclosure information from the public: “One thing we need to be very careful about is the crafting of this legislation, because this legislation has a provision in it that authorizes the holders of this information to seek to have the Congress postpone making it available to the public,” Sheehan warns.

 Get a brief but insightful 3-minute synopsis – with Sheehan on video – about this valid viewpoint at the always informed  X/Twitter feed of Who is Axelrod:

Tired yet?

Goldie Hawn, George Clinton and Bootsy Collins – High Planes Experiencers?!

According to the recent Newsweek account (any many others) the nearly legendary television and film actor Goldie Hawn “opened up about her close encounter with aliens, saying they touched her face and it felt like ‘the finger of God.’ " She’s not the only cultural figure coming out of the closet lately.

And speaking of High Planes…..Two heavies from the truly legendary Parliament band, also recently shared their story of “missing time.”  Should we be surprised? I mean, these proponents of mind expansion by almost any means did record an album in 1975 called Mothership Connection. But their story – reported widely in the music world but not nearly as extensively as Hawn’s – sounds like a classic Close Encounter of the 4th Kind, or in the general more fear-based parlance “an abduction.”

This first-person account of their episode as told by curious Geroge Clinton is from the  okayplayer site: “We were driving into Toronto together and were contacted by a UFO. We saw a flashing light hit the ground first in front of our car. Three of four minutes later we saw it again two times, hit the street. Then the light hit the car and the light turned to liquid like mercury from a thermometer, beaded up and rolled off the car. All the streetlights went out slowly as we passed. We looked behind us it was dark. Bootsy wasn't scared, he thought I knew what was going on.

We weren't high because he just crossed the border. We eventually arrived home and walked in the house and my daughter said, you all acting like you just saw a ghost! (my bold) I didn't even think about it until later, why were we seeing light in daylight. I had to call Bootsy to confirm what time of day it was. We lost a lot of time that day and didn't realize it until years later."

I’ve maintained for a long time that if anything will divert – if not bring to a hard stop -- the forward motion in congress to let all the feral and foreign cats out of the really big bag of reality, it will be the so-called abduction issue. Why?  ‘Cuz the implications and the sensational accounts throughout the UFO literature and in other media  will challenge the present “narrative” faster than you can say, “Was Ezekiel abducted, too?!”

David Grusch and Joe Rogan, Sayonara Sean Kirkpatrick, and Beware DisinfoMan Garret Graff (?)

Whistleblower David Grusch whose impeccable credentials and admirable courage continues to enthrall anyone bothering to give him a platform – whether it’s in congress where he claimed last summer that the U.S. government and its defense contractors have crashed ET vehicles and both dead and living “biologics,” or on the king podcast of Joe Rogan whose listener/viewer numbers are eight miles high.  Grusch recently went on the Joe show and claimed Lockheed Martin has some of the goods from the crash retrieval program. From a recent Twitter/X feed, this statement by the man:

“Lockheed Martin wanted to divest itself from this material at a specific facility that’s known to me that I provided to the Inspector General, like street address, all that shit.” “The CIA said ‘fuck you’ to DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency] and Lockheed and it was totally killed. So [Nevada Senator] Harry Reid’s request to get the material transferred to the AAWSAP program [Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program] was totally killed because of bureaucracy.”

A new book by Garrett M. Graff called UFO: The Inside Story of the U.S. Government's Search for Alien Life Here — And Out There is being called another serious work of disinformation by hardcore Ufologists. After reading a couple reviews and some softball interviews with Graff, your weary chronicler tends to agree. Perhaps all you need to know about him is that is a veteran reporter on the U.S. military and security apparatus, a perfect role in which half-truths, glaring omissions and other fuckery can be widely and subtly disseminated through his work.

Speaking of Fuckery, He's Outta Here!

Despite the hubris-filled claim that he achieved his goals just 18 months into the Job, his was a failed mission out of the gate: The official in charge of AARO -- The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office--  joked during a public congressional hearing that he hoped all these UAP/UFO issues would become someone else's problem (I blogged about this last year on this site).

Well, here's your self-fulfilling prophecy, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick. His welcomed departure underscores all the chatter in UFOland about how AARO in 2022-2023 looks and sounds a lot like Project Blue Book, 1952-1969, fancy window dressing that never resolved or revealed squat. Good riddance. Here’s an informed story in Politico about his departure.

Well, that is it for now. I’ve got a Mothership Connection to make and a slowly  flowing river to watch some more. And some Christmas lights to string up outside.

P.S. Mr. Rogan, I’m ready for my closeup.


THE 2024 UFOLOGY AWARDS (because most of ‘em earned them)


Are We Alone? Next Question….